Tag scanner

Writing a reverse proxy in Go

Some time ago, I found a video called Building a DIY proxy with the net package. I recommend watching it. Filippo Valsorda builds a simple proxy using low-level packages. It’s fun to watch it but I think it’s a bit complicated. In Go, it has to be an easier way so I decided to continue writing series Go In Practice by writing a simple but yet powerful reverse proxy as fast as it’s possible.

Writing TCP scanner in Go

Go is perfect for network applications. Its awesome standard library helps a lot in writing such software. In this article, we’ll write a simple TCP scanner in Go. The whole programm will take less than 50 lines of code. Before we’ll go to practice - a little theory. Of course, the TCP is more complicated than I describe but we need just basics. The TCP handshake is three-way. Firstly, the client sends the syn package which signals the beginning of a communication.