Tag memory

Memory-wall problem

The memory wall problem refers to a phenomenon that occurs in computer architecture when the processor’s speed outpaces the rate at which data can be transferred to and from the memory system. As a result, the processor must wait for the data to be fetched from memory, which slows down its performance and limits its speed. The memory wall problem has become increasingly significant as processors have become faster and more powerful while memory speeds have not kept pace with these advancements.

What you should know about Go slices

Slice is the most important data structure in Go. When it comes to performance, slices are going to beat any other data structure. They are simple but powerful. However, there are some gotchas you have to keep in mind. Today, I’ll explain how slices work to help you prevent some hard to find bugs and write better code. In Go, arrays have a fixed size. The length is part of the array’s type.